For most drivers, tires aren't the most exciting feature of a vehicle. But they are one of the most important parts of your car, and having a regular tire rotation done is a vital part of maintaining the safety and performance of your vehicle. In fact, there are many benefits to performing a regular tire rotation.
1. Rotating the tires make them last longer. Tires on the front of your vehicle wear down differently than rear tires. For example, if your vehicle has front-wheel-drive then the front tires will endure more wear due to braking, turning, and accelerating. Evening out the wear can increase your tire life by up to 20%.
2. Rotating the tires lowers the risk of tire failure by avoiding excessive wear. During bad road conditions such as heavy rain or snow, a worn-down tire could lose traction, resulting in sliding and loss of vehicle control. A tire that is too worn down could also result in an unexpected tire blow-out.
3. Rotating the tires improves your vehicle performance. When tires have even wear, they maintain proper balance, handling, and stability of your car. This avoids the problem of road friction, which can cause bigger problems such as front-end misalignment.
4. Rotating the tires increases the gas mileage. Well-worn tires help the engine run more efficiently, which decreases the amount of gas it takes for your vehicle to cruise down the open road.
5. Rotating the tires is a small way to save big money. Rotating your tires every 7,500 miles will make them last longer and save your wallet from the expense of having to buy new tires. Having properly worn tires means your vehicle will run better, which decreases the work required by other components such as the engine. In turn, this helps to avoid other costly mechanical repairs and unexpected accidents.
Regular tire rotation is an important part of vehicle maintenance. Having this service performed every 7,500 miles is an easy way to extend the life of your tires as well as the life of your vehicle. Since many modern vehicles can go between 5,000 to 7,500 miles between oil changes, it's even a convenient time for our service technicians to provide a tire rotation at the same time as your regular oil change.